Publications & Works

Published journal articles indexed by SCI, SSCI, and AHCI

Articles Published in Other Journals

Refereed Congress / Symposium Publications in Proceedings

Is it possible to do good journalism by being part of a story?

The International Association for Media and Communication Research - IAMCR 2017, 16 - 20 July 2017

Rethinking Activist Journalism when Freedom of Press is Under Threat

ATINER's Conference Paper Series MED2015-1620, Atina, Greece, 11 - 14 May 2015

Books & Book Chapters

Journalistic Issues through a Century under Crackdown: From Idealistic Dreams to One-man Control

in: A Companion to Modern Turkey's Centennial, Özerdem, Alparslan and Öztürk, Ahmet Erdi, Editor, Edinburgh University Press , Edinburgh, pp.637-648, 2023

Crackdowns against journalists are paralyzing media accountability

in: The Global Handbook of Media Accountability, Fengler Susanne, Eberwein Tobias, KarmasinMatthias, Editor, Routledge, pp.227-236, 2021

Kıbrıs meselesinin rehineleri: Basının gözüyle 1964 sürgünleri

in: Rum Olmak, Rum Kalmak, Hakan Yücel, Editor, İstos, İstanbul, pp.39-64, 2018

Turkey: Sacrificing Credibility for Economic Expediency and Partisanship

in: The European Handbook of Media Accountability, Tobias Eberwein, Susanne Fengler, Matthias Karmasin, Editor, Routledge International Handbooks, pp.268-276, 2018

Kıbrıs meselesinin rehineleri: Basının gözüyle 1964 sürgünleri

in: Rum Olmak Rum Kalmak, Hakan Yücel, Editor, İstos, pp.39-64, 2016

Aktivizm ve Gazetecilik: Nedenler; Sınırlar, Sorunlar

in: İnternet ve Sokak, Yasemin İnceoğlu, Savaş Çoban, Editor, Ayrıntı, İstanbul, pp.163-181, 2015

The State of the Journalistic Profession in Turkey

in: Media Policies Revisited The Challenge for Media Freedom and Independence, Evangelia Psychogiopoulou, Editor, Palgrave Macmillan, pp.191-205, 2014

Ethical Challenges for User-Generated Content Publishing: Comparing Public Service Media and Commercial Media

in: Online Credibility and Digital Ethos Evaluating Computer Mediated Communication, M. Folk, S. Apostel, Editor, IGI Global, pp.302-315, 2013

The Political Economy of the media and its impact on the freedom of expression in Turkey

in: Turkey s Democratization Process, Carmen Rodriguez, Antonio Avalos, Hakan Yilmaz, Ana I. Planet, Editor, Routledge, pp.392-404, 2013

Sosyal Medya Gücüyle Geleneksel Medyayı Değiştirmek Mümkün mü

in: Sosyal Medya Akademi, Tolga Kara, Ebru Özgen, Editor, Beta, pp.269-284, 2012

Nefret Suçlarında Medyanın Sorumluluğu: ‘Ya sev ya terket ya da…

in: Nefret Söylemi ve veya Nefret Suçları, Yasemin İnceoğlu, Editor, Ayrıntı, pp.23-37, 2012

Yazılı Basında Nefret Söylemi ve Mücadele Yolları

in: Söylemi ve veya Nefret Suçları, Yasemin İnceoğlu, Editor, Ayrıntı, pp.205-222, 2012




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