Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Method for Supplier Selection in Transformer Production

Balci U., Levent Demircan M. L.

9th International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Informatics, EECSI 2022, Jakarta, Indonesia, 6 - 07 October 2022, vol.2022-October, pp.256-263 identifier

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Full Text
  • Volume: 2022-October
  • Doi Number: 10.23919/eecsi56542.2022.9946519
  • City: Jakarta
  • Country: Indonesia
  • Page Numbers: pp.256-263
  • Keywords: AHP, cost of poor quality, finance, manufacturing, multi-criteria decision making, on time delivery, output, outsourcing, profit, renewable energy, revenue, solar market, supplier, supplier evaluation, TOPSIS, transformer, transformer market, wind market
  • Galatasaray University Affiliated: Yes


The transformer is an indispensable product used in the distribution of electricity in the energy sector. Although transformer production may seem simple, it is a job that requires serious knowledge. There are many markets in this sector and each market has a different priority. There are certain manufacturers in the international market where the profit margin is higher. Competition in this market is high. In this competition, companies try to maintain or even increase their market share. For this reason, companies try to deliver their products on time and maintain quality levels while trying to provide a more competitive price. One of the solutions companies use when trying to reach these goals is outsourcing. In this thesis, the options of a company that produces transformers and plans to achieve these goals by outsourcing have been evaluated. During the evaluation, AHP (analytic hierarchy process) and TOPSIS (technique for order preference by similarity to ideal Solution) methods, which are multi-criteria decision-making methods, were used. In addition, the effect of the possible choices on the financial performance of the company was also investigated. Three different methods were used in the study and at the end, these methods were compared and discussed. Sensitivity analysis was also done while making the comparison. Although the results of the three methods that used seem to be different from each other, a definite conclusion was reached as a result of the evaluations made.