Creating learning bridges through participatory design and technology to achieve sustainability in local crafts: a participatory model to enable the transfer of tacit knowledge and experience between the traditional craftsmanship and academic education


INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY AND DESIGN EDUCATION, vol.29, no.3, pp.603-632, 2019 (SCI-Expanded) identifier identifier


While technology-based developments have produced a wealth of information and experience, the rate of interaction between the academic institutions and craftsmanship establishments is observed to decrease gradually. The purpose of this study is to enable the transfer of tacit knowledge and experience between these two foundations by creating learning bridges through the use of technology in order to achieve sustainability in local crafts in long term. The qualitative multi-method approach adopted, which included the use of participatory design methodology and ethnographic field study in the Mardin. The study indicated that learning bridges could be formed and thus facilitate the transfer of tacit knowledge and experience between the academy and workshops through the use of technology. A sustainable educational model presenting a new interactive experience was recommended in light of the findings.