Herder’in Tarih Felsefesi Bağlamında Dile Yaklaşımı

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Altınörs S. A.

7. Uluslararası Avrasya Zirvesi, Baku, Azerbaijan, 6 - 09 December 2020, vol.2, pp.88-91

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Full Text
  • Volume: 2
  • City: Baku
  • Country: Azerbaijan
  • Page Numbers: pp.88-91
  • Galatasaray University Affiliated: Yes


ABSTRACTThe subject of our paper, as the title indicate, is Herder’s considerations of language in the context ofphilosophy of history. Herder made important determinations about the role of language in the transformationof humanity throughout history. In the eyes of Herder, language is an acquisition of humanity depending onthe development process in history. Although he describes language as a “divine” and “celestial” gift, Herderdoes not argue that human beings have at the beginning a ready-made language skill or a ready-made reasonability reflected in the language. For Herder, language is essentially an acquisition of human biologicalevolution and historical development. Thanks to this acquisition, mankind has compensated for his lack ofinstinct and has become a society where he can live with a sense of security and easily establish solidarity withhis fellows. According to Herder, man is not only a natural being that is a product of a divine plan, but also acreature equipped with the freedom to develop mental powers, which are also the products of that plan.Compared to animals, the human species has managed to turn its lack of instinct and its vulnerability in naturein its favor by developing its language and thinking skills that are the product of its biological evolution andcultural history. Thus, language (and the skill of thinking that Herder maintains depends on it) is not a ready-made gift, but rather a fundamental element of the cultural niche that the ancestors of our species built withgreat effort.Keywords: Philosophy of language, origin of language, Herder. ABSTRACT
The subject of our paper, as the title indicate, is Herder’s considerations of language in the context of
philosophy of history. Herder made important determinations about the role of language in the transformation
of humanity throughout history. In the eyes of Herder, language is an acquisition of humanity depending on
the development process in history. Although he describes language as a “divine” and “celestial” gift, Herder
does not argue that human beings have at the beginning a ready-made language skill or a ready-made reason
ability reflected in the language. For Herder, language is essentially an acquisition of human biological
evolution and historical development. Thanks to this acquisition, mankind has compensated for his lack of
instinct and has become a society where he can live with a sense of security and easily establish solidarity with
his fellows. According to Herder, man is not only a natural being that is a product of a divine plan, but also a
creature equipped with the freedom to develop mental powers, which are also the products of that plan.
Compared to animals, the human species has managed to turn its lack of instinct and its vulnerability in nature
in its favor by developing its language and thinking skills that are the product of its biological evolution and
cultural history. Thus, language (and the skill of thinking that Herder maintains depends on it) is not a readymade
gift, but rather a fundamental element of the cultural niche that the ancestors of our species built with
great effort.
Keywords: Philosophy of language, origin of language, Herder.

Tebliğimizin konusu, başlığından da anlaşılacağı gibi, Herder’in tarih felsefesi bağlamında dile ilişkin
düşünceleridir. Herder insanlığın tarih boyunca geçirdiği dönüşümde dilin oynadığı role dair önemli tespitlerde
bulunmuştur. Dili “ilâhî” ve “semavî” bir ihsan olarak nitelendirmekle birlikte Herder insanda bidayette hazır
bir dil becerisi ya da dilde yansıyan hazır bir akıl yetisi bulunduğunu savunuyor değildir. Herder açısından dil
esasen insanın biyolojik evriminin ve tarihsel gelişiminin sonucundaki bir kazanımdır. İnsanoğlu bu kazanımı
sayesinde içgüdü eksikliğini telâfi etmiş, güvenlik duygusuyla yaşayabileceği ve hemcinsleriyle kolayca
dayanışma kurabileceği bir cemiyet haline geçmiştir. Herder’e göre insan, ilâhî bir planın ürünü olan doğaya
ait bir varlık olması yanısıra, yine o planın ürünü olan zihinsel güçler geliştirme hürriyetiyle mücehhez bir
varlıktır. Hayvanlara kıyasla insan türü taşıdığı içgüdü eksikliğini ve doğadaki savunmasızlığını, biyolojik
evriminin ve kültürel tarihinin ürünü olan dil ve düşünme becerisini geliştirmek suretiyle kendi lehine
çevirmeyi başarmıştır. Böylece dil (ve Herder’in ona bağlı olduğunu savunduğu düşünme becerisi) insana hazır
biçimde bahşedilmiş bir armağan olmaktan ziyade, türümüzün atalarının çok büyük çabalarla inşa ettikleri
kültür nişinin temel unsurudur.
Anahtar kelimeler: Dil felsefesi, dilin kökeni, Herder.