GMC 2024, İstanbul, Türkiye, 20 - 21 Mayıs 2024, ss.535
Although maritime is one of the oldest professions in the world, it is constantly transforming with the developing technological conditions and changing political conditions. However, despite this developing and changing system, the daily lives of seafarers are often different from the lives of people living on land. This difference is generally thought to be caused by narrow living spaces and limited social environment. As a result of these differences, which are known to have negative effects on the psychological health of seafarers, it is seen that crimes such as murder, detention, injury, extortion and many other behaviours that can be associated with crime occur on ships. In these incidents, it is seen that the main reason for the poor psychological health of the seafarers at the time of the incident is mostly their pre-ship experiences. As a result, it is considered to be very important to determine the psychological state and/or personality traits of seafarers, as in most occupational groups, before the ship life with personality inventories that are currently used in psychology or customised for the maritime profession. In this study, it is aimed to make a hierarchical ranking of the personality traits that should be focused on in personality inventories to be applied to ship employees. For this purpose, a sample application was made using the AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process) method for 15 people who are experts in the field of psychology and maritime. Microsoft Excel software was used for the application. In practice, the personal characteristics previously determined from the literature were weighted by experts, and in this way, important personality characteristics were placed in a hierarchical order. Then, the most suitable personality traits for the maritime profession were determined