Resource Selection for C-V2X and Simulation Study for Performance Evaluation

Makinaci K. M., ACARMAN T., Yaman C.

IEEE 93rd Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-Spring), ELECTR NETWORK, 25 - 28 April 2021 identifier identifier

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Full Text
  • Doi Number: 10.1109/vtc2021-spring51267.2021.9448905
  • Keywords: Vehicular Communication, LTE, C-V2X, PC5, Radio Resource Selection, LTE
  • Galatasaray University Affiliated: Yes


Vehicular Ad-Hoc Network is an emerging technology and research area since it promises fast and lossless communication among vehicular nodes. Vehicular to Everything (V2X) communication targets data sharing between the vulnerable road users and cars with mobile network assistance in the near future. Despite the nature of vehicular mobility and density, V2X requires transmitting massive data over a long range and being lossless. LTE becomes the main infrastructure for V2X and called Cellular V2X (C-V2X), but it is still a developing technology necessitating further research efforts. In this study, the literature review is conducted to elaborate the LTE characteristics and its performance. To evaluate and test the LTE deployment in a VANET, an NS3 simulator coupled with a SUMO simulator is built to enable scalable simulation of various traffic scenarios. A set of physical channel configuration parameters is evaluated to maximize the performance of a fast and lossless ad-hoc communication in road traffic. Performance related parameters are listed and explained in the proposed system scheme. This study contributes to the geo-based resource selection algorithm along with comparative simulation studies. Performance results are compared with respect to the Semi Persistent Scheduling scheme. Our evaluation and test study illustrates that according to the calculated packet reception rates, the resource selection algorithm plays a crucial role. In addition, previous public simulation studies conducted to seek the performance of C-V2X are utilized to develop an NS-3 based open source C-V2X simulation environment.