Adaptation of the shared-metacognition questionnaire (SMQ) into Turkish for online collaborative learning environments

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Journal of Educational Technology and Online Learning, cilt.5, sa.3, ss.585-599, 2022 (Hakemli Dergi)


The aim of this study was to adapt Shared-Metacognition Questionnaire (SMQ) into Turkish. The original version of the SMQ consisting of 26 items and two factors measures metacognition in online collaborative learning environments based on the Community of Inquiry (CoI) framework. The data were collected from 364 university students who had online learning experience. Confirmatory factor analysis was done on two-factor and three-factor model. The three-factor model was confirmed with satisfactory model fit indices. The value of AVE for each dimension verified the convergent validity. For verifying discriminant validity, the AVE estimates of three factors were compared with the square of correlation among the factors, and reported as greater than shared-variance of related row-column values. The factor loading values indicated very good to excellent loadings, as verifying the statistically satisfactory indicator reliability. For internal consistency, composite reliability and alpha reliability were found satisfactory. Thus, the Turkish version of the SMQ indicated a reliable and valid estimate for online collaborative learning environments. Moreover, an Independent Samples t-Test was performed to examine whether there is a significant mean difference between female and male groups, and revealed that females scored higher on total shared metacognition, individual monitoring, individual regulation and group regulation than males.