Publications & Works

Refereed Congress / Symposium Publications in Proceedings

A Wearable System Implementation for the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT)

44th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBC 2022, Glasgow, England, 11 - 15 July 2022, vol.2022-July, pp.2447-2450 identifier identifier

Enhancement of Player Experience in Video Games Using EEG Based Dynamic Difficulty Adjustment

16th International Conference on INnovations in Intelligent SysTems and Applications, INISTA 2022, Biarritz, France, 8 - 12 August 2022 identifier

Stress Level Detection Using Physiological Sensors

20th IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering, BIBE 2020, Ohio, United States Of America, 26 - 28 October 2020, pp.509-512 Sustainable Development identifier identifier

Design and Implementation of Steady State Visual Evoked Potential Based Brain Computer Interface Video Game

20th IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference, MELECON 2020, Palermo, Italy, 15 - 18 June 2020, pp.335-338 identifier

Design and Implementation of Steady State Visual Evoked Potential Based Brain Computer Interface Video Game

28th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU), ELECTR NETWORK, 5 - 07 October 2020 identifier identifier

Implementation of a Simulated Environment for Data Acquisition to Monitor Drivers’xx Stress Levels


Web-Based Evaluation of User Stress Using Stroop Test and Wearable Hardware

11th International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ELECO), Bursa, Turkey, 28 - 30 November 2019, pp.959-962 Sustainable Development identifier identifier

Implementation of a Simulated Environment for Data Acquisition to Monitor Drivers' Stress Levels

International Scientific Meeting on Electrical-Electronics and Biomedical Engineering and Computer Science (EBBT), İstanbul, Turkey, 24 - 26 April 2019 identifier identifier

Analysis of Visual Stimulus Parameters for SSVEP Based Brain Computer Interfaces

18th National Biomedical Engineering Meeting (BIYOMUT), İstanbul, Turkey, 16 - 17 October 2014 Sustainable Development identifier identifier

Robotic arm control with brain computer interface using P300 and SSVEP

10th IASTED International Conference on Biomedical Engineering, BioMed 2013, Innsbruck, Austria, 13 - 15 February 2013, pp.141-144 identifier

Classification of cohesin family using class specific motifs

2013 8th International Symposium on Health Informatics and Bioinformatics, HIBIT 2013, Ankara, Turkey, 25 - 27 September 2013 identifier

Energy aware activity level monitoring with accelerometers

16th National Biomedical Engineering Meeting (BIYOMUT2012), Turkey, 3 - 05 October 2012

Wireless health monitoring of multiple patients on android phone with embedded computation

9th IASTED International Conference on Biomedical Engineering, BioMed 2012, Innsbruck, Austria, 15 - 17 February 2012, pp.569-573 identifier

P300 based auditory visual brain computer interface P300 tabanli i̇şi̇tsel görsel beyi̇n bi̇lgi̇sayar baǧlantisi

2012 20th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference, SIU 2012, Fethiye, Mugla, Turkey, 18 - 20 April 2012 Sustainable Development identifier

Wireless monitoring of health data via an open platform

15th National Biomedical Engineering Meeting (BIYOMUT2011), Turkey, 13 - 16 October 2011

A real time music synthesis environment driven with biological signals

31st IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Toulouse, France, 14 - 19 May 2006, pp.2420-2423 identifier identifier

Epileptiform activity induction with electrolyte imbalance in brain slices: Mechanisms involved in control

23rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE-Engineering-in-Medicine-and-Biology-Society, İstanbul, Turkey, 25 - 28 October 2001, vol.23, pp.947-950 identifier identifier

Smart-IPM: An adaptive tool for the preventive maintenance of medical equipment

23rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE-Engineering-in-Medicine-and-Biology-Society, İstanbul, Turkey, 25 - 28 October 2001, vol.23, pp.3950-3953 identifier identifier



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